Friday, April 29, 2011

The Silver Tsunami strikes again

So the perfect spot to be a camera slut :-))
And just how much FUN can an old guy have ??

Its looking like this for the next few days, sunshine and wind !

Keep watching this space

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Another day Another Kite

Well at last I have gone to the Dark Side, I now own and have flown an LEI
Having just acquired a used 2009 Nash Cult I am seeing how far LEI kites have progressed in the last few years since I tried one on the Magdalen Islands and was disappointed at the time with its lack of depower etc.

So after two sessions I am optimistic things have got a lot better and the image below shows me out on the water with it.
Having over a week still to go I hope to get more time on it soon :-))
Now this is not to say I am convinced my twin skin kites are going to collect dust any time soon as to day and for the next couple of days its looking positively ballistic wind speeds approaching us and the auto zenith capability of my Peter Lynn Arc's will come into their own when I dump the board on a turn or jump, just let the bar go slack and the kite is there waiting for me overhead when I recover my senses and my board !!

Keep an eye on this space as they say.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Water Water Everywhere, now I am in the drink

To kitesurf or not to kitesurf, Hmmmm!!

So what else ?
I am having FUN trying to stay afloat as usual but this time I have two weeks to see how good ( or bad ) I can be.

Just a bit of fishing practice going on here I think !

Keep it down lad your supposed to be on the water
Not to be outdone by this young friend I at least give it a go, well my kite got of the water so now what about me too (yes thats me laying down on the left)!
Wait for more wind Eh!

Till next time then

Can any one tell I watched Wallace and Grommet last night ?